$settings.programName$ Installation
Step $step$ of $totalSteps$

Welcome to the $settings.programName$ installation program. This program will configure $settings.programName$ to run on your server.

Need assistance? Have Questions? We're here to help!

Private Label: You can private label this software as your own and sublicense it to your customers. For more information check the documentation or contact us at $settings.vendorName$.

Please read the following license agreement carefully. Use the scroll bar to read the entire agreement.

Do you accept all the terms of the preceding license agreement? If so, click the "I Agree", otherwise, click "I Don't Agree" and the program will close.


Please enter your company name (or your name), the domain name of the website $settings.programName$ will be used on, and the Product ID you received with your software.

Company Name  
Domain Name  http://
Product ID 

Important Notice (read carefully):

Your Product ID gives you the right to use one copy of the software on one website. Installing multiple copies of the program is prohibited unless additional licenses are purchased for each installation. Using or allowing your Product ID to be used to install the software multiple times is a violation of your license agreement.

How many websites is this Product ID being used on (including this one)? (1-99)

For information on purchasing additional licenses contact: $settings.vendorName$

Please enter your time zone offset from GMT time.

GMT Date & Time   $gmtDateAndTime:format(date_and_time)$
Adjust Hours   hour(s)
Adjust Minutes minute(s)
Daylight Savings Time
Local Date & Time   $localDateAndTime:format(date_and_time)$  

Please enter the URL's to $settings.programName$'s files.

Program Web URL   This is the URL to the program directory you created under your web root. It's also where you've uploaded the /css/, /images/, /javascript/, and /wysiwyg/ folders.

Can you see an image displayed below?

Yes   - The "Program Web Url" is correct, click next to continue.
No   - The "Program Web Url" is NOT correct, update value and refresh image.

Image Url: $webfolder_url$images/testImage.jpg

Please enter the directory paths to $settings.programName$'s files.

Website Root Dir   Your "webroot" directory is the the top-level directory where you can place web pages which will be displayed on your website. This is the same directory in which your website's homepage resides.

Program Web Dir   This is the program directory you created under your web root. This directory is where you've uploaded the /css/, /images/, /javascript/, and /wysiwyg/ folders.

Next, the program needs to know how to send email. Email is used to retrieve forgotten passwords and to send program notifications.

Send mail from Program emails (password reminders, etc) use these values for the "from" line. Make sure this is a valid email address so you will receive any replies or bounces.

From Name  
From Email  
Admin Email This is the email address of the person who runs the program. It's displayed on the login about page and automatic emails so people have someone to contact if they have need to.

Admin Email  
Send mail with This is how your server sends email messages. If you're not sure what to put here try the defaults first or ask your web host for either "The path to sendmail or a smtp server hostname" for your website.

Sendmail Path  
Found in: $path$

SMTP Hostname  
POP3 Server
POP3 Username
POP3 Password
Send Test Email   (uses the above settings without saving)

Please select an administrator username and password and write them down in a safe place.

Admin Full Name 
Admin Email 
Admin Username 
Admin Password 
Admin Password (again) 

Once you have created your username and password click "Finish" and login to the program.