*** October 2, 2007 - Version 2.16 Released
- Set default MySQL engine type to (faster) MyISAM engine. Previous versions used the server's default, which was usually (but not always) MyISAM.
- Fixed minor issue where changing category filename would generate "file exists" error when publish rule only used category num in filename
- Added code to disable new error messages generated by MySQL5 'strict mode'
*** June 29, 2007 - Version 2.15 Released
- Added config.ini flag "allowSSIsInInput" to allow writers to enter SSIs (requested feature).
*** June 11, 2007 - Version 2.14 Released
- WYSIWYG: Updated to latest version (2.9.8) from WYSIWYG Editor Vendor
- WYSIWYG: "Paste from Word" feature improved
- WYSIWYG: Fixed a content duplication bug
- TEMPLATES: Fixed various minor HTML errors, updated to be more standards compliant.
- IMAGE GALLERY: Default installation now includes "Image Gallery" field for articles.
- LICENSE: Added ability to change Product ID of installations with expired licenses.
- LICENSE: Updated license agreement REGISTRATION and TERMINATION clauses.
- DATABASE: Current field length is now displayed on field length error messages.
- DATABASE: Added 'submit' and 'target' to list of reserved fieldnames that aren't allowed (used by javascript)
*** April 17, 2007 - Version 2.13 Released
- Template editor (admin function) no longer disables PHP/ASP code blocks
- Template editor no longer lists zip files in template directory
*** March 14, 2007 - Version 2.12 Released
- Templates: category.num wasn't being passed through the next/prev links in articleLists/categoryIndex.html
*** March 13, 2007 - Version 2.11 Released
- convertToUnicode.cgi - fixed mysql bug that could sometimes prevent tables from being renamed properly in final step
- Templates: Created seperate footer file as include to make editing footer easier
- Templates: Updated publish template headers with to the RSS feed
- Publishing: Fixed bug where a static index.html in the publish directory would get erased when a new category was added.
*** March 7, 2007 - Version 2.10 Released
*** NOTICE: Make sure you have Perl 5.8 before upgrading! ***
*** NOTICE: Run /utils/convertDataToUnicode.cgi if you have non-english content or characters ***
*** NOTICE: Add the following tag to your publish templates under the title tag ***
- Articles: Multi-category articles, Articles can now be added to unlimited categories
- Field Editor: Added "Field Separators" to Field Editor as separate field type
- Publishing Rules: New "External Script" rule for running other programs after publishing
- Admin Menu: Added Template Editor
- Publishing: Improved Publishing Speed
- Templates: New modifier defaultValue() added. Displays value if placeholder is undefined, blank or zero.
- Unicode Support (non-english characters are displayed correctly)
- New default template set (old set available in "classic.zip")
- Publishing Rules: Added default value for categoryMenu filename type so saving a rule without a filename type won't cause an error
- Publishing Rules: Updated default filenames displayed when creating a new publish rule
- Publishing Rules: MS Frontpage /_vti_cnf/ dirs and their contents are now skipped in template pulldowns
- Publishing Rules: install zip "create_this_folder.txt" files are now skipped in template lists
- Publishing Rules: Moved "Include Child Articles" option category article lists since it only applied to that rule type
- Publishing Rules: Added additional error checking for invalid placeholder, filename and category settings
- Demo Mode: Removed access to converting SSIs to PHP includes and vice versa
- Templates: Added code for multi-cats in default templates, replaced breadcrumbs in article summaries with multi-cats
- Database: Added support for table joins and "group by" for sql and flatfile
- Database: Made all created or modified fields "NOT NULL" by default
- Import: Checkboxes fields are now imported from v1.41 as numeric "integer" fields so they sort correctly.
- Import: Improved conversion of v1.41 next/previous links.
- Search: Added two new placeholder aliases: search.keyword and search.keywordSearchFields
- Added new menu placeholders $category.listItemStart$ and $category.listItemEnd$ for creating menus as unordered html lists
Example Template Code:
- Publishing: Added customPatches.pl reload delay option for servers with low "server CPU usage thresholds"
- Errors: Updated "Unable to initialize ReadForm Module" to indicate when a directory wasn't writable.
- General: Added workaround for bug in Microsoft IIS/5.0 that sometimes prevents cookies from being set (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q176113/)
- Search: Unlinked categories now display in search engine category list (check "hide from search" in category editor to hide)
- Admin Menu: Fixed the "Upload Directory" browse button in Server Settings (button was controlling the Publish Directory field).
- Database Moves: Data migration errors are now reported properly and database writes are enabled after reporting an error
- Field Editor: Fixed bug where date field would display an error when no date field options were enabled.
- Field Editor: Fixed IE Javascript error "Couldn't find element: undefined"
- Field Editor: Fixed bug where changing "Stored As" type would erase field contents with file databases (not mysql)
- unicode: non-english characters are now saved correctly in 'my placeholders' and other fields
- unicode: angled quotes from MS Word are now saved and loaded properly
- wysiwyg: html code examples and entities now re-load correctly in the interface (eg: '<')
- wysiwyg: unneeded "
" or "
" tags are now removed when a blank field is submitted. - wysiwyg: Added workaround for duplicating content bug that sometimes occured in IE - wysiwyg: Fixed Mozilla/Firefox javascript console bug 'Javascript component does not have a method named: "shouldProcess"...' - wysiwyg: Fixed Mozilla Bug where using "Paste From Word" button would sometimes paste content that wasn't editable. - search: All search fields now support quoted multi word phrases "like this" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** November 3, 2006 - Version 2.02 Released NEW FEATURES - Publish Rules: added "Copy Rule" button to make it easier to add new rules based on existing ones - Publish Rules: global article lists can now be limited to specified categories only - Publish Rules: global category menus can now be limited to specified categories only - Publishing: Added "Cancel Publishing" link to defer publishing when making lots of edits - Publishing: Improved file collision errors. When selected article/category filename already exists it's displayed in error message. - Templates: Added new templateIf operator "isMultipleOf" and "isNotMultipleOf" to make multi column layouts easier - Templates: Added new features "Convert SSIs to PHP includes" and "Convert PHP includes to SSIs" - Templates: Added new placeholder modifier :fileAttribute() to access specific image attributes (for backward compatability with v1.41) - Templates: Added new article list placeholder $articleList.currentResultNumber$ - Search: Made new placeholders $keyword$ and $keywordSearchFields$ available from search.cgi (and added to searchResults.html template) - Support: added support for running optional customPatches.pl file (allows support staff to more easily work around mis-configured or non-standard servers and make custom changes to software) - Upload Options: Made default image alignment available to be modified with customPatches.pl - WYSIWYG Editor: added "Paste From Word" button to default WYSIWYG toolbar MISC IMPROVEMENTS - Default Settings: updated default help link url to point to online docs - Publishing: Changed timeout counter to 60 seconds from 30 and added 30 second option to "Max Process Time" in Admin Menu - Templates: re-organized admin menu template files (split some up into multiple files and renamed or moved others) - Search: Display error message and link if user hasn't installed software yet - Upgrade Script: Display error message and link if user hasn't installed software yet - Upgrade Script: Changed timeout counter to 60 seconds from 30 - Upgrade Script: Removed javascript that caused upgrade window to keep stealing focus (coming to the front) - Upgrade Script: Added $keyword$ and $keywordSearchFields$ to imported next/prev links BUG FIXES - General: Improved directory detection code, resolves "filepath './config.ini' must be an absolute path" error - Search: Specifying keywordSearchFields with underscores now works. fixes: "couldn't find field 'art\_field1'" error - Field Editor: Fixed issue where field values of " " or "0" wouldn't get saved in some fields (eg: check value, unchecked value, etc) - Templates: Removed double slash ("//") from css, javascript, image, etc links (caused 404 on some servers) - Templates: Encoded placeholders in the RSS link tag in singlePages/header.html to fix an issue where quotes in the content would break the page - Admin Program: Searching for a keyword didn't reset the page number, fixed. - Auto Login: Now ignores login and logoffs actions so we don't keep redisplaying login form - Upgrade Script: Now imports up to 25 uploads per record (max) instead of just 20 - Upgrade Script: Added importing for undocumented placeholders: art_caption#, art_ufile_image#, art_image_url#, art_imageheight_image#, art_imagewidth_image#, art_imagename# - Upgrade Script: Renamed 'publishStartTime' field to 'upgradeStartTime' (internal change only) - Upgrade Script: Now replaces category breadcrumb on global article index with $my.homepageName$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** October 26, 2006 - Version 2.01 Released NEW FEATURES - added support for UNC network filepaths and webhosts that use them (e.g. \\SERVER_NAME/path/) - added auto login support so you can login and jump to a page with one link. eg: admin.cgi?loginUsername=USERNAME&loginPassword=PASSWORD&action=loginSubmit BUG FIXES - Accounts: Disabled users access levels are now set to 0 instead of 1 (caused disabled or unapproved user error message to not appear) - General: Fixed "Unable to initialize ReadForm Module! (Check settings)" error caused when uploads/incoming directory couldn't be created - IT::File::createDirPath - updated to create directory paths even when parent directories aren't accessible - Publishing: "One-Level Category Menus" now publish as they did in version 1 (extra categories no longer showing) - Publishing: Added menu format options from version 1: Two-Level, Selected Branch Only, Subcategories Only - Publishing: Resolved issue where non-admin users would get error on second page of publishing - Publishing: Fixed issue where home menu would sometimes be displayed on the bottom of publish page right before reloading - Publishing: Multiple publish rules with the same placeholder name and different categories selected no longer overwrite each others placeholders - Database & Editor: Plaintext textbox fields now have breaks automatically added when being stored in database or published. - Install Defaults: Changed default timezone from GMT to -8 hours from GMT with daylight savings adjustments enabled - Templates: Added keyword placeholder to search "next page" links to subsequent pages display search results and not every article - Templates: Hardcoded attribute link into basicSearchBox.html and removed old custom placeholder for it. - Templates: Updated admin style-sheet to fix IE7 text alignment issue where everything was centered - Upgrade Script: Generated filenames no long have extra underscores when importing non-english articles - Upgrade Script: MS Frontpage /_vti_cnf/ directories are skipped when copying files and estimating disk space required - Upgrade Script: Fixed "Invalid Filehandle" error that sometimes occurred when importing old accounts - Upgrade Script: Added half-second delay between reloads to free up time for other processes on system - Upgrade Script: Updated status box to only refresh every 0.25 seconds so it doesn't freeze up browser on fast servers with constant updating - Upgrade Script: Added placeholder importing for: $virtual_categories$, $virtual_headlines$, $virtual_search$, $virtual_headlines_bycat$ - Upgrade Script: Updated "Start Over" button to actually start over and not continue from last step. - Upgrade Script: Added "Elapsed Time" display to show how long upgrade is taking - Upgrade Script: Added automatic record re-numbering when duplicate record numbers exist in articles and archives - Upgrade Script: Added importing of old auto-format setting for textbox fields - Upgrade Script: Disabled fields are skipped when importing old sort fields (fixes "sortBy contains unrecognized fieldname" error) - Upgrade Script: Disabled accounts are now imported with access level 0 instead of 1 (caused disabled or unapproved user error message to not appear) - Upgrade Script: Old Subcategory Formats are now imported instead of defaulting to "show all" for category menus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** October 19, 2006 - Version 2.00 Released NEW FEATURES - New interface design - mySQL database support - Image thumbnailing and resizing - Email password reminders - User Defined Field Editor - User Defined Publishing Rules - New template system and modifiers - My Placeholders (user defined placeholders) - and much much more... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** NOTE: NEW ENTRIES ARE LISTED AT THE TOP ***